Our Services

Company Sales

Selling your company is likely to be one of the biggest decisions in your life. 

Understanding your motivations, planning carefully, and preparing you and your business for an exit is crucial to a successful outcome.

At Inicio we prefer to engage as early as possible and build a framework for your exit months, if not years, in advance. 

Company Acquisitions

There are many good reasons to acquire a business. Perhaps you wish to scale faster increasing your equity value before an exit, solidify your market position, or you want to diversify your income streams building resilience for it to be passed onto your children. 

At Inicio we can help you strategise, source, negotiate, and finance an acquisition that makes sense to you.

Raising Finance

After the banks retreated in 2008, a dynamic and entrepreneurial alternative private finance industry emerged.

Whether you need to borrow money, or are seeking an investor, Inicio will help you determine, find, and negotiate the best capital structure for your business and your objectives.

Long-Term Advice

If you don’t need advice now, but think you may do in the future, we offer a cost-effective quarterly service that keeps you ‘plugged in’ and capable of reacting quickly when the need or opportunity arises.   

Know what you want? Get in touch