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Choosing the right Corporate Finance Advisor
For many business owners and management teams, choosing a Corporate Finance adviser is something they may only do once, perhaps twice, for the one or two crucial transformative transactions they undertake during their lifetime.
Debt Finance supporting Search Funds
Inicio have experience of working on both sides of a transaction, as lender and advisor on search fund deals, which gives us a detailed understanding of the various moving parts and managing execution risk.
How crucial is a Financial Model when fundraising?
When you are considering a fund-raising process, it’s essential to have a robust financialmodel in place for external parties to assess the business and ensure that the future success of the company is underpinned by detailed assumptions, comparable to key metrics the
business has delivered in the past.
Thinking of Selling Your Business? Golden Rules to Follow
Selling a business is one of the most significant financial decisions a business owner can make. It’s not just about setting the right price; it’s a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, strategy, and execution.